Our Values

Last updated 15th February 2021


At INRO we pride ourselves on respecting the rights of all individuals, producing beautiful, handcrafted products for our clients in a responsible, ethical and sustainable manner. As such, we take the issue of slavery and ​“​forced labour” very seriously and we are wholeheartedly committed to combating such crimes. This statement has been prepared on behalf of Sophis Inc Ltd (trading as INRO), for the purposes of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and, in particular, the provision in Section 54 of the act. References in the statement to ​“​forced labour” means any conduct which is an offence under Part I of that Act including slavery, servitude, any type of forced or compulsory labour and trafficking for the purposes of exploitation.

Sophis Inc Ltd trading as INRO, is a provider of luxury goods and accessories in the retail sector. Sophis Inc Ltd is an English Limited company (company number 7469994) having its registered office at Alfies, 2nd Floor, Studio G, 13-25 Church Street, Marylebone, London, NW8 8DT, United Kingdom.

The issue of forced labour

According to the International Labour Organisation, more than 20 million people worldwide are subjected to forced labour. We do not tolerate forced labour either within our business itself, or within our supply chain. Without exception, we expect our supply chain (whether direct suppliers, or those that directly or indirectly supply our direct suppliers) to share the same values.

Relevant policies and documents

Our Modern Slavery Policy rejects the use of forced labour. The Modern Slavery Policy is part of our commitment to encouraging ethical, social and environmental responsibility. Our Policy provides that, amongst other things, suppliers and service providers should:

  • (a) not use forced labour,
  • (b) provide adequate remuneration for staff in line with local laws and industry standards;
  • ​​(c) accept any audit undertaken by us and complete any questionnaires in this respect in good faith and shall act as soon as possible on any issue highlighted during any audit.

Due diligence in respect of forced labour

We have reviewed our business and our supply chains. Neither we nor, to the best of our knowledge, our supply chain makes use of forced labour. We have taken the following steps to assess and manage any risk that our supply chain may use forced labour:

  • We expect our suppliers to comply with this policy and to place similar expectations on their respective suppliers.
  • We may impose contractual obligations on suppliers under which they:
    • undertake to comply with this policy;
    • warrant that their business and, to the best of their knowledge, their own supply chain do not use forced labour;
    • ​agree to provide us on request with responses to a self-assessment questionnaire regarding the use of forced labour and steps they have taken to ensure it is not used by them or their supply chain.
    • agree to permit us and third parties acting for us to inspect their facilities, records and practices, to have access to their personnel and to audit their business for the purposes of ensuring that they comply with these obligations and that there is no use of forced labour.
    • impose equivalent obligations on their own suppliers.

We have reviewed statements published by our suppliers on the use of forced labour to ensure that they, in turn, are taking what appears to us to be appropriate steps.

Approved by the Board of Directors of Sophis Inc Ltd on June 15th February 2021.

Nawaz Razaq

Director, Sophis Inc Ltd